Day 24. Day off

Another day off? Call yourself a dedicated walker? Apart from the aforementioned niggles, I’m not sure I really needed a rest day but if I was going to have one, Moffat was as good a place as any. Hopefully my body will thank me. With birthdays and a significant anniversary coming up, I scoured the town for appropriate gifts. No joy. By way of compensation, I did at least find a place to get a breakfast fry-up. Mutchies Munchies, if anyone happens to be passing through.

Back at the campsite you could feel the electricity in the air as staff got ready for their very own street party to celebrate the jubilee. Bunting, paper plates, fold-up chairs, the whole works. I wasn’t quite sure why today but I have never knowingly turned down the offer of cake.

I ventured out into town again and discovered 2 shops I’d missed the first time round. The co-op is always a good place to stock up. I’m less sure about Moffat Mill (aka emporium of tat). I don’t know why but I do have a strange fascination with these kind of places. Whatever I might think about the stuff, someone, somewhere has decided there is a customer for it.

A chippy dinner and that was me done for the day.